Honda Outboards - Live the Legend!
There’s a simple reason why Honda’s Four-Stroke marine engines lead the world in performance, reliability, fuel-efficiency and environmental responsibility … the company has been manufacturing four-strokes solely since 1964. The first to introduce 4-Stroke Outboard technology in Australia, Honda has remained the innovative leader ever since.
The Honda range starts with the air-cooled 2.3hp up to 250 hp “Silver Bullet”, featuring VTec Racing Technology, Boosted Low Speed Torque (BLAST) and so much more. Honda’s 5-Year Domestic Warranty applies to Honda's entire engine line-up. Honda was the first in the industry to introduce a 5-Year Warranty. All of Honda's 4-stroke outboard engines pass the toughest emission regulations in the world.
Staff are factory-trained, certified technicians. The training content is rigorous and comprehensive to ensure that your Honda is well looked after. Genuine Parts, Oils and Accessories are kept in store and used with your service work.
Honda offers unmatched reliability in the marine industry through utilisation of proven engine components and technology. Whether you are considering a new boat package powered by Honda, or re-powering your ‘old faithful’ with Honda, you will love everything Honda has to offer, from reliability to protect those you want to spend your time out on the water, to the environmental cleanliness, which is becoming so important in our water ways.
Talk Honda with us today!
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